Friday, April 24, 2009

Fulltrui Tyr

I went down to the bookstore today to do some work for school. While I was there I browsed the religion section and I picked up Essential Asatru by Diana Paxon. I have heard from people on the boards that she is a Wiccan hack. From reading about her online I think they are right. However, as a brief introduction to Asatru I think her book fits my general purposes.

I read her brief history of Norse peoples and then some of her descriptions of the gods. As I understand it, it is a Wiccan concept to have a "patron diety." I read on some forums, however, that having a fulltrui is more in line with actual heathen practice. A fulltrui, according to my source, means having a fully trusted one. It is a god that you feel the closest to. After reading about Tyr, I felt the closet to him than to other gods.

According to Paxson, Tyr is a noble and wise warrior god. He is also seen as a figure of sacrafice and justice. All of these virtues are important to me since I want to be a district attorney. I am serious about justice and I am serious about the often difficult questions it will present me during my career. I also found a spiritual connection to Tyr because of his hand.

Tyr's most famous tale concerns the losing of his hand to the wolf Fenrir. Fenrir was one of Loki's children. The gods kept Fenrir in Asgard where Tyr fed him, because he was the only one brave enough to do so. Fenrir grew larger and larger, and the gods grew fearful that they would not be able to contain him. The gods attempted to bind Fenris, but the wolf broke every fetter they could create until they got the dwarves to craft the fetter called Gleipnir. After finishing Gleipnir, they called Fenrir to put it on. Fenrir refused while the gods assured Fenrir that he could break it easily. As collateral for putting on the fetter, Fenrir demanded one of the gods put their hand in his mouth. Only Tyr was brave enough to do so. Fenrir donned the fetter. He could not break it and he thus bit off Tyr's hand.

After I read this story I looked down at my own hand. One week before I discovered Asatru I had gotten into a fight with Colin, my roommate and good friend. We have never come to physical blows before, but we were both enraged. Colin pushed me and I fell through a recycling bin and sliced my hand open. I know wear a nasty scare on my right hand, the same hand Tyr lost.

Perhaps I am reading far too much into this wound. But I find it interesting that I marked by hand exactly around the same time I discovered Asatru and Tyr's story.

That said, I feel a connection to Tyr. I will keep him close to my heart.

Tyr, we praise thee on this day,
Protection grant from those who slay;
Fetter fear, the victory win,
Bind the wolves without, within!

1 comment:

  1. Hi there! How fun to find an american asatru! I'm a asatru from Sweden, and I'm writing an essey on the concept fulltrui in modern time, please can I quote you?
    I check in here for answer later!
    I wish you a great journey with Tyr. I journey with Loke and Frigg and it is a hard way ;)
    As the asatru in sweden says: äring (good harvest) och fred (peace).
